advertise on arrowesound
Did you know you can get your advert on Arrowesound for as little as £30 a month?
why arrowesound?
- We are a non-profit hospital radio station, promoting good health across the local community of Wirral.
- All staff are unpaid volunteers.
- As an online and soon to be Freeview Channel 722 radio station*, we can reach a potential audience of over
- 322K on Wirral alone.
- You can use this opportunity to boost your local community profile
- Radio is intrusive – if you are listening to the radio, you cannot avoid the commercials.
- Radio advertising works though REPETITION and REPETITION builds REPUTATION.
our advertising rates
option 1

Top of The Hour Weather Package £55 a month
You’ll get you business mentioned straight after the news incorporated with our Weather Jingle
Example “Arrowesound Weather with Bob’s Carpets, best biggest selection of carpet on The Wirral, for more information visit our website or call 0151 600 9999”
You’ll also get a mention and your logo on the Arrowesound website.
option 2

Specific Advert £45 a month
A 30 second advert played throughout the day
You’ll also get a mention and your logo on the Arrowesound website.
option 3

Programme Sponsorship £30 a month
You’ll get you business mentioned within a specific show included on the station imaging
Example “The 90’s at 9 with Bob’s Carpets, best biggest selection of carpet on The Wirral, for more information visit our website or call 0151 600 9999”
You’ll also get a mention and your logo on the Arrowesound website.
option 4

100 club £60 a year
Become a member of the exclusive ArroweSound 100 Club, and
support your local hospital station, a registered charity run entirely by volunteers.
Your company logo or company banner will be visible at for 12 months,
ready for customers to find the service they require, with one click.